TIPS for COUNTER STRIKE: Global Offensive. A nooby guide.

09:37 0 Comments

So Counter Strike: GO is a big game on steam. It is the second most popular game , falling right behind Dota 2. So with the popularity of e-sports in today's society, it's more of a necessity for gamers now to get going in the game to become a pro. Well that requires some tips, and here I have some for you ; Something which made me a pro in it.

1- Skins Don't Matter

It may be tempting to spend money on skins in CS, and why not? all the competitive players have high tier skins. But if you are first jumping into CSGO decide if you like it and want to get into it first, and as you get better reward yourself with skins. Another tip with skins, always buy the skins you want or save up for them, Don't waste your money trying to unbox a knife because you are feeling lucky.

2- Leveling up

So to play competitive in CSGO you must be a private rank 3, which can be achieved by gaining XP through other gamemodes. I recommend' Arms Race', as it gives the most XP and helps you improve your skills with many of the game's weapons.
Plus , Every time you play CS spend at least your first 5 minutes learning a new nade spot, and 10 minutes practicing and warming up your aim. Those two things will make you drastically better over a month or two.

3- Learn From others!

Watch guides and other people playing CS:GO to learn techniques, strategies, and map spots. I personally, when started watching Fanatic matches, learned from what they were doing. As reflected in my play-style, I personally started uploading highlights from my competitive matches, which you can find here and Easily observe some tips

4- Practice

The best way to get better at something is to practice. The pros practice everyday, and if you don't do the practice ,I can 100% guarantee  that you will get yourself  kicked in the match ! So go out there and if you have slow internet then , play in very hard mode in the offline mode of the game. Otherwise, go online and play with the pros. Indeed you play , You observe and then You learn the way they play...Adopt it and become the beast. :D

For more , have a little look over here :

In addition, if any CS PRO is viewing this, Don't forget to share your tips with everyone in the comments down below coz 'Sharing is caring' and show some humanity bro ! (Sorry feminists)
Hope this proves to be some help for the starters. Stay tuned for more and keep sharing ;) .

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.