Assassin's Creed SYNDICATE BELOW 30 FPS - Even at 900P ! *cough* PS4 AND XBOX ONE *Cough*

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Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed franchise has now been available to us for a long time. From the time when Assassin's creed 1 was released up till now when the new ASSASSIN'S CREED SYNDICATE  has arrived, the series has had many dips and ups during it's lifetime. Last year's Assassin's creed UNITY was a great dis-appointment not only to PC gamers but also to many console gamers as well, however Ubisoft came up with something better this time.

From a game design perspective, this release seems like a significant improvement over last year’s game.  IGN gave it a very respectable score of 8.2/10, and it currently holds a score of 77/100 on Metacritic. If you’re trying to get rid of the  bad taste of Unity out of your mouth, this seems like a decent sugar to do it. But how is it from a technical perspective?

At Eurogamer's Assassin's creed Syndicate was tested on the Xbox one and the Playstation 4 which gave considerable results. The PC version will be out some time later so , it is not tested yet which means that we are not sure whether it will be broken like UNITY or not. So we suggest not to go for a pre-order until you get to know about it's quality on PC.

As you can see in the video above, both console versions are almost identical. They are both running at 900p which , although disappoints us but hey, Who cares? It looks pretty gorgeous and Ubisoft has done a great job giving a detailed perspective of historical London.

The difference between the PS4 and the Xbox One version are however easily identified when we come across the frame rate which is significantly higher on the PS4.Considering that the higher amount of fps that the PS4 has, (which is 30 fps) Xbox one cannot simply compete with it as it gives several frame drops at many place whereas in the same places the PS4 continues to perform better. No offence  Xbox One owners though , because at some places even the PS4 gets slight frame drops and these are the place where the Xbox one literally freezes for a second or two keeping in mind that the ps4 has more graphical horsepower than the Xbox one!
For the vast majority of multi-platform releases, the PS4 is the better option from a performance perspective.

Beyond the discussion of this single release, we are still disappointed that develepors continue to ship raw games. We saw Metal Gear Solid V play at 1080p with 60 fps on consoles which clearly shows that consoles can run the game but they are not purely optimized. It’s clear that the problem isn’t solely hardware limitations here. Business priorities, time constraints, and budget limitations dictate how well the finished product runs on the established hardware.

Anyways we still think that Xbox One's version of Assassins creed should get an update to bring it down to 720p or either get it a better optimized version of the game . Same is needed by the PS4 however it only needs some optimization as it can still pretty much handle the load.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.